Walking away from a person physically is as easy as 1-2-3. My question is what about the mental releasing of an ex or another person that you’re no longer in contact with due to a fall out? After walking away or being left by one you loved and cared for, you still get reminders from friends/family members and let us not forget the “Remember this date” from our social media platforms that may include pictures with those formerly part of our circle.
Speaking from my own experiences, releasing a person mentally takes TIME and a great deal of effort. I erased pictures and texts/phone calls and removed phone numbers from my cellphone. My busy lifestyle kept me from overly thinking about that person. What could I do about songs, movies or social media posts that reminded me of that person? Not much other than staying away from the radio and my social media accounts. Memories. I could not deter the memories and the feelings brought about by that person. Thoughts just show up, unannounced and unwelcomed, invading my space at any given moment. Writing, always my go to, helped me work through my feelings. Tears. And facing the truth about what happened with us, including being accountable for my part. Accepting horrible behaviors, encouraging toxicity and being there when I should have walked away because we weren’t good for each other are all my crosses to beat because I had control over my actions and behaviors. Another thing I was always guilty of was trying to fix others people’s problems because I was involved with their potential and not the actual person presented in my reality.
Walking away, even thinking about leaving them, brought about feelings of guilt and shame for abandoning someone I believe needed me. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! It was mental punishment choosing to stay. After presenting myself with the truth, it was easier to release them mentally. I needed to be needed, needed to be the savior for them. I punished myself. Walking away now is the equivalent of a shopping spree after winning money in the lottery. A gift!
Ms Celeste