Chaotic Serenity Blog

Who am I after the pain?
Healing is not, as I’ve grown to learn, a one day ritual that clears out all the difficult pieces of your life. It’s a journey through your heart and mind...
Who am I after the pain?
Healing is not, as I’ve grown to learn, a one day ritual that clears out all the difficult pieces of your life. It’s a journey through your heart and mind...

What’s next?
Writing out my frustrations became the norm and venting to my people in times where I felt more overwhelmed than I could write out.
What’s next?
Writing out my frustrations became the norm and venting to my people in times where I felt more overwhelmed than I could write out.

Being Accountable
….Many tears, thousands of words to my journal and poetry, and I became whole again. No longer a victim….
Being Accountable
….Many tears, thousands of words to my journal and poetry, and I became whole again. No longer a victim….

Out of the Darkness, into the Light
I also had this idea that change would be extremely hard and peace would look like me laying on an island with a tropical drink and parasol umbrella. Peace isn’t...
Out of the Darkness, into the Light
I also had this idea that change would be extremely hard and peace would look like me laying on an island with a tropical drink and parasol umbrella. Peace isn’t...

2016: New Life
I choose my battles wisely now: if people exhibit red flags, I don’t accept it as a challenge.
2016: New Life
I choose my battles wisely now: if people exhibit red flags, I don’t accept it as a challenge.

Next Phase: Single Mom, Single Wife
…new financial responsibilities all came at the same time. 2013, a storm came and my apartment was unlivable. Back to live with my parents. I stayed several months before finding...
Next Phase: Single Mom, Single Wife
…new financial responsibilities all came at the same time. 2013, a storm came and my apartment was unlivable. Back to live with my parents. I stayed several months before finding...